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Screenshot of NTRO's Road Safety Intelligence Toolkit (RSIT)
National Transport Research OrganisationMay 8, 2024 5:10:29 PM3 min read

Free trial of Road Safety Intelligence Toolkit for all Councils

A football stadium full of people are seriously injured or killed on our roads every year.

As Australia’s National Transport Research Organisation, NTRO believes that every journey should be a safe journey and can be a safe journey. In 2024, we’re a long way from that.

These horrific numbers – more than 40,000 seriously injured and more than 1,200 killed each year on our roads - are not reducing. In fact, they are increasing. The data says so!

At NTRO, we are innovation driven. We use data to drive new knowledge and develop new solutions. 

The data shows us that travelling on our roads is becoming less safe.

The data shows a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. Individual local communities have different risk factors for road crashes and different types of road crashes.

The data shows us that our regional roads are more dangerous, with a disproportionate number of the crashes that result in serious injuries or deaths happening on regional networks.

The data shows us that shock-and-awe advertising tactics aren’t working. Road users have tuned out to current road safety messaging.

The data shows us that road trauma is increasing despite a National Road Safety Strategy and all the round tables, forums, budgetary promises and goodwill that is currently being rolled out just isn’t working, and isn’t proving effective.

We need to change. We want to provide Councils with local data sets to inform of the road safety problem they are seeking to solve in their local communities.

NTRO is announcing that as part of our commitment to 2024 National Road Safety Week (May 5-12), NTRO is making available its Road Safety Intelligence Toolkit to all local governments throughout Australia up to the 30th June 2024, free of charge.

It’s a data-driven solution NTRO has developed for the benefit of the Australian community that relies on data supplied by Transport Agencies across Australia. The Road Safety Intelligence Toolkit (RSIT) can analyse how dangerous a road is, how roads compare to each other in terms of safety, and break crashes down by location, gender, age and a range of other demographics.

We want Councils and local communities to see for themselves exactly how safe their roads are, how they compare to other local government authorities, and where the improvements need to be made on their road networks.

NTRO believes strongly in the power of data and innovation to save lives on our roads.

We are perfectly positioned to be the national data hub for crash and road safety data. We have the tools and the skills to analyse and understand the impacts of the road safety data to give effect to positive changes on our roads. We are able to advise road managers where they should prioritise their investment to save lives, and who is most at risk, and where.

Innovative, data-driven solutions can help shape a new future free of fatalities on our road networks. All that’s needed to make it happen is a strong commitment from all levels of government to change for the better and adopt new ways of solving old challenges.

Lives are lost and irrevocably changed every single day on Australia’s roads. People make what should be a routine journey to work, school, or the shops, but don’t make it home safely to their families and loved ones.

We believe we are at a critical point in our road safety history. Change needs to happen now, or this national crisis will only get worse.

Data and innovation can save lives on our roads. The tools are there. It’s time to start using them.

We hope that by making RSIT available on a free trial to Councils, that it can kick-start the change towards using better data and innovation to create safer roads.

Council representatives will be able to fill in the form here to gain their free access until June 30, 2024.